The Society for Women and the Civil War is a tax-exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Your contribution is tax-deductible as a charitable donation on your annual tax return.
Please indicate in the “Comments” section how you would like your donation to be designated.
Please indicate in the “Comments” section how you would like your donation to be designated.
We have several ways your donations can support the mission of our organization:
General Contributions – This can be a donation for general support of the operating expenses of the organization or may be designated by the donor to help fund a special program that resonates with the donor.
Marge Estilow and Dr.Florence Williams Memorial Scholarship Fund – Our Educational Committee administers this Scholarship Fund which awards scholarships to deserving high school and college students in the study of Civil War women’s history.
Brenda McKean Memorial Scholarship - Our Education Committee administers this Scholarship Fund which awards scholarships to Reenactors/Living Historians who wish to pursue National Association of Interpreters (NAI) certifications.
You may also donate to the Society for Women and the Civil War by sending a check to our mailing address at:
P. O. Box 3117 – Gettysburg, PA 17325
P. O. Box 3117 – Gettysburg, PA 17325